<view class="contai"> <view class="list"> <view class="item"> <view class="title"> 课程标题/名称 </view> <view class="row1"> <input bindinput="titleInput" type="text" placeholder="请输入课程标题/名称" /> </view> </view> <view class="item"> <view class="title"> 课程分类 </view> <view class="row1"> <picker class="r1_left" range-key="name" mode="multiSelector" bindchange="typeChange" bindcolumnchange="typeColumnChange" value="{{typeIndex}}" range="{{typeArray}}"> <view class="picker"> {{typeArray[0][typeIndex[0]].name}}-{{typeArray[1][typeIndex[1]].name}} </view> </picker> <image class="r1_right" src="/assets/icon/right2.png" /> </view> </view> <view class="item"> <view class="title"> 课程等级 </view> <view class="row1"> <picker class="r1_left" bindchange="levelChange" value="{{level_arr_index}}" range="{{level_arr}}"> <view class="picker"> {{level_arr[level_arr_index]}} </view> </picker> <image class="r1_right" src="/assets/icon/right2.png" /> </view> </view> <view class="item"> <view class="title" style=" margin-bottom: 20rpx;"> 课程封面(限1张) <text bindtap="chat_chooes_img" style="padding:5rpx 15rpx 5rpx 15rpx;border-radius: 10rpx; background-color: teal; color: white; font-size: 28rpx; ">从聊天记录中选择图片</text> </view> <view class="upload_pic"> <view wx:if="{{img!=''}}" class="pic"> <image class="show_img" src="{{baseURL+img}}" /> <view bindtap="del_img" class="del_img" class="del_img"> <image style="width: 30rpx; height: 30rpx;" src="/assets/icon/x.png" /> </view> </view> <view bindtap="chooes_img" class="pic"> <view style="text-align: center; margin-top: 35rpx;"> <image style="width: 45rpx; height: 45rpx;" src="/assets/icon/uppic2.png" /> </view> <view class="p_title ">上传图片</view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="item"> <view class="title" style=" margin-bottom: 20rpx;"> 课程内容图片(可多张) <text bindtap="chat_duo_chooes_img" style="padding:5rpx 15rpx 5rpx 15rpx;border-radius: 10rpx; background-color: teal; color: white; font-size: 28rpx; ">从聊天记录中选择图片</text> </view> <view class="upload_pic"> <block wx:for="{{img_arr}}" wx:key="index"> <view class="pic"> <image class="show_img" src="{{baseURL+item}}" /> <view data-index="{{index}}" bindtap="duo_del_img" class="del_img"> <image style="width: 30rpx; height: 30rpx;" src="/assets/icon/x.png" /> </view> </view> </block> <view bindtap="chooes_duo_img" class="pic"> <view style="text-align: center; margin-top: 35rpx;"> <image style="width: 45rpx; height: 45rpx;" src="/assets/icon/uppic2.png" /> </view> <view class="p_title ">上传图片</view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="item" style="text-align: center; padding-top: 15rpx;"> <button wx:if="{{sub==0}}" bindtap="sub" class="btn-normal btn">提交</button> <button wx:if="{{sub==1}}" class="btn-success btn">已提交</button> </view> </view> </view>
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import { baseURL } from '../../utils/config.js' import { wx_login, request, uploadFile } from '../../utils/util.js' import { find_openid } from '../../api/xcxUser.js' import { kecheng_type_list } from '../../api/kecheng_type.js' import { kecheng_create } from '../../api/kecheng.js' const app = getApp(); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { baseURL: baseURL, openid: "", title: "", img: "", //封面 img_arr: [], //课程内容 level_arr: ["请选择", "初级", "中级", "高级"], //课程等级 level_arr_index: 0, typeArray: [ [], [] ], //这里 1 2级分类。 [ ["",""],[],["",""] ] typeIndex: [0, 0], sub: 0, //0未发布 1发布 }, wx_login() { var that = this; var openid = app.globalData.openid if (openid == '') { wx_login().then(res => { console.log(res); openid = res.data.openid; this.setData({ openid: openid }) this.load_wx_user_info(openid); }) } else { this.setData({ openid: openid }) this.load_wx_user_info(openid); } }, load_wx_user_info(openid) { find_openid(openid).then(res => { console.log(res.data.xcxUser); console.log(res.data.xcxUser.weixinUser); this.setData({ xcxUser: res.data.xcxUser, weixinUser: res.data.xcxUser.weixinUser, nickname: res.data.xcxUser.weixinUser.nickname, phone: res.data.xcxUser.phone, }) }) }, titleInput(e) { this.setData({ title: e.detail.value }) }, levelChange(e) { console.log('picker发送选择改变,携带值为', e.detail.value) //这个value 就是下标,0 1 2 3 this.setData({ level_arr_index: e.detail.value }) }, load_kecheng_type() { var this_ = this; var data = { typeArray: this.data.typeArray, typeIndex: [0, 0] }; //加载 kecheng_type_list(1, 1000, "", -1).then(res => { //我想在cityArray[0] city2Array[0] 第1个对象是 name是 不限, id是0 这里存的是对象 let typeData = res.data.data; typeData.unshift({ name: "请选择课程分类", id: 0 }); // 在数组的开头添加一个对象 data.typeArray[0] = typeData; this.setData(data); //设置, }); }, typeChange(e) { console.log('picker发送选择改变,携带值为', e.detail.value); this.setData({ typeIndex: e.detail.value }) }, typeColumnChange(e) { console.log('修改的列为', e.detail.column, ',值为', e.detail.value); //输出的是下标 var data = { typeArray: this.data.typeArray, typeIndex: this.data.typeIndex }; data.typeIndex[e.detail.column] = e.detail.value; if (e.detail.column == 0) { //第1列 变动了 kecheng_type_list(1, 1000, "", this.data.typeArray[0][e.detail.value].id).then(res => { let typeData = res.data.data; data.typeArray[1] = typeData; data.typeIndex[1] = 0; this.setData(data); }); } else { //第2列 变动了 不用管。 this.setData(data); } }, chooes_img: function () { var that = this; wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, // 默认9,这里我们设置为1,表示只选择一张图片 sizeType: ['compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册album 还是相机camera,默认二者都有 success: function (res) { wx.showLoading({ title: '提交中', mask: true }) var tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths; uploadFile(baseURL + "/api/xcx/kecheng/type/uploadimage", tempFilePaths[0], "image").then(res => { var result = JSON.parse(res.data); // that.setData({ img: result.url }) wx.hideLoading() }) } }) }, chat_chooes_img() { var that = this; wx.chooseMessageFile({ count: 1, // 默认9,这里我们设置为1,表示只选择一张图片 type: 'image', //默认 'all' 所选的文件的类型 success: function (res) { var tempFilePaths = res.tempFiles; wx.showLoading({ title: '提交中', mask: true }) uploadFile(baseURL + "/api/xcx/kecheng/type/uploadimage", tempFilePaths[0].path, "image").then(res => { var result = JSON.parse(res.data); // that.setData({ img: result.url }) wx.hideLoading() }) } }) }, del_img() { this.setData({ img: "" }); //传后台删除这个图片。 }, chooes_duo_img: function () { var that = this; wx.chooseImage({ count: 9, // 默认9,这里我们设置为1,表示只选择一张图片 sizeType: ['compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册album 还是相机camera,默认二者都有 success: function (res) { wx.showLoading({ title: '提交中', mask: true }) var tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths; var promises = tempFilePaths.map(filePath => { return uploadFile(baseURL + "/api/xcx/kecheng/type/uploadimage", filePath, "image"); }); wx.hideLoading() console.log(promises); //pei_create_kecheng.js? [sm]:173 (3) [$, $, $] Promise.all(promises).then(results => { var urls = results.map(res => JSON.parse(res.data).url); console.log(urls); //这是一个数组 //保留之前的在后面追加。 var newImgArr = that.data.img_arr.concat(urls); that.setData({ img_arr: newImgArr }) }).catch(error => { console.error("上传图片失败", error); }); } }) }, chat_duo_chooes_img() { var that = this; wx.chooseMessageFile({ count: 9, // 默认9,这里我们设置为1,表示只选择一张图片 type: 'image', //默认 'all' 所选的文件的类型 success: function (res) { wx.showLoading({ title: '提交中', mask: true }) console.log(res); var tempFilePaths = res.tempFiles; console.log(tempFilePaths); var promises = tempFilePaths.map(filePath => { return uploadFile(baseURL + "/api/xcx/kecheng/type/uploadimage", filePath.path, "image"); }); console.log(promises); //pei_create_kecheng.js? [sm]:173 (3) [$, $, $] Promise.all(promises).then(results => { var urls = results.map(res => JSON.parse(res.data).url); console.log(urls); //这是一个数组 //保留之前的在后面追加。 var newImgArr = that.data.img_arr.concat(urls); that.setData({ img_arr: newImgArr }) wx.hideLoading() }).catch(error => { console.error("上传图片失败", error); }); } }) }, duo_del_img(e) { var del_index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; console.log(del_index); var new_arr = this.data.img_arr.filter(function (item, index) { return index !== del_index; }); console.log(new_arr); this.setData({ img_arr: new_arr }) }, sub() { var title = this.data.title; var type_id1 = this.data.typeArray[0][this.data.typeIndex[0]].id; var type_id2 = 0; if (this.data.typeArray[1].length > 0) { type_id2 = this.data.typeArray[1][this.data.typeIndex[1]].id; } console.log(title); console.log(type_id1); console.log(type_id2); if (this.data.level_arr_index == 0) { wx.showToast({ title: "请选择课程等级", icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) return; } var level_text = this.data.level_arr[this.data.level_arr_index]; console.log(level_arr_index); var openid = this.data.openid; var img_url = this.data.img; var img_arr = JSON.stringify(this.data.img_arr); kecheng_create(openid, title, type_id1, type_id2, level_arr_index, img_url, img_arr).then(res => { }) return; var city_id1 = this.data.cityArray[0][this.data.cityIndex[0]].id; var city_id2 = 0; if (this.data.cityArray[1].length > 0) { city_id2 = this.data.cityArray[1][this.data.cityIndex[1]].id; } console.log("城市1:" + city_id1 + "_" + city_id2); }, onLoad: function (options) {}, onReady: function () { this.load_kecheng_type();}, onShow: function () { this.wx_login(); }, onHide: function () {}, onUnload: function () {}, onPullDownRefresh: function () {}, onReachBottom: function () {}, onShareAppMessage: function () {} })