<view class="my_list_item"> <view class="row" style=" display: block;"> <view style="display: flex;"> <view bindtap="chooesImage" class="img_uplpad"> <image src="/assets/images/add.png" /> <view class="text">上传图片</view> </view> <view style=" flex: 1;line-height: 180rpx;font-size:25rpx;color: #636262; padding-left: 25rpx;"> 选择图片上传 </view> </view> <view class="img_list"> <block wx:for="{{upload_image_array}}" wx:key="{{index}}"> <view class="img_item"> <image data-index="{{index}}" bindtap="previewImg" class="img" mode="widthFix" src="{{baseURL}}{{item}}" /> <image class="close_img" src="/assets/images/close2.png" data-index="{{index}}" catchtap="deleteImg" /> </view> </block> <!-- <image src="/assets/images/add.png" /> --> </view> </view> </view>
.img_uplpad{ padding: 30rpx; border: dashed 2rpx #636262; height: 100rpx; width: 100rpx; border-radius: 15rpx; text-align: center; background-color: #ececec; } .img_uplpad image{ height: 50rpx; width: 50rpx; margin: 0 auto; } .img_uplpad .text{ font-size: 25rpx; text-align: center; } .img_list{ margin-top: 30rpx; } .img_list .img_item{ display: inline-block; margin-left: 15rpx; margin-bottom: 15rpx; height: 140rpx; width: 140rpx; border: solid rgb(99, 98, 97) 2rpx; overflow: hidden; position: relative; } .img_list .img_item .img{ height: 100%; width: 100%; } .img_list .img_item .close_img{ height: 60rpx; width: 60rpx; position: absolute; top: -8rpx; right: -8rpx; }
upload_image_array:[], img_upload_api:"/api/xcx/english/note/uploadimage", img_del_api:"/api/xcx/english/note/deleteimage",
chooesImage: function() { var that = this; wx.chooseImage({ sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册还是相机,默认二者都有 success: function (res) { // 返回选定照片的本地文件路径列表,tempFilePath可以作为img标签的src属性显示图片 console.log(res); var tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths; console.log(tempFilePaths); //this.upload_image(tempFilePaths[0]); for (let index in tempFilePaths) { console.log(tempFilePaths[index]) wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中', mask:true }) //上传文件 wx.uploadFile({ url: baseURL+that.data.img_upload_api,//请求接口地址 filePath: tempFilePaths[index],//图片路径,如tempFilePaths[0] 为第一张图片 name: 'image', header: { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data" }, success: function (res) { console.log(res); var result = JSON.parse(res.data); // console.log(result.url); let old_image_array = that.data.upload_image_array; old_image_array.push(result.url); that.setData({ upload_image_array:old_image_array }) wx.hideLoading(); }, fail: function (res) { console.log(res); }, complete: function (res) { } }) //上传文件 } } }) }, deleteImg(e){ console.log(e.currentTarget.dataset.index); var that = this; var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; var imgs = that.data.upload_image_array; // wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '请确认删除', success (res) { if (res.confirm) { console.log('用户点击确定'); request({ url: baseURL+that.data.img_del_api, method: 'post', header: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: { path:imgs[index] } }).then(res => { console.log(res); }) imgs.splice(index, 1); that.setData({ upload_image_array: imgs }); } else if (res.cancel) { console.log('用户点击取消') } }}) }, previewImg: function (e) { // 预览图片 //获取当前图片的下标 var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; //所有图片 var imgs = this.data.upload_image_array; console.log(this.data.baseURL+imgs[index]); let temp_imgs = []; for(let index in imgs){ temp_imgs.push(this.data.baseURL+imgs[index]); } var img_path = this.data.baseURL+imgs[index]; wx.previewImage({ //当前显示图片 current: img_path, //所有图片 urls: temp_imgs }) },
var image_str = this.data.upload_image_array.join(","); console.log(image_str);
/** * 文件 上传, * /api/xcx/bisai/uploadimage * @param file * //自定义上传图片的名字为userId.jpg //String fileName = request.getAttribute("userId") + "123456.jpg"; */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/api/xcx/bisai/uploadimage") public JSONObject uploadimage(HttpServletRequest request)throws Exception { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); //获取文件需要上传到的路径 String webPath=request.getServletContext().getRealPath(""); String filePath= "/static/xcx_upload/english/image/"+DateUtil.formatDate(new Date(), "yyyyMMdd")+"/"; FileUtil.makeDirs(webPath+filePath); request.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); //设置编码 try { StandardMultipartHttpServletRequest req = (StandardMultipartHttpServletRequest) request; Iterator<String> iterator = req.getFileNames(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { HashMap<String, Object> res = new HashMap<String, Object>(); MultipartFile file = req.getFile(iterator.next()); // 获取文件名 String fileNames = file.getOriginalFilename(); int split = fileNames.lastIndexOf("."); //获取上传文件的后缀 String extName = fileNames.substring(split + 1, fileNames.length()); //申明UUID String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", ""); //组成新的图片名称 String newName = uuid + "." + extName; System.out.println(newName); String destPath = webPath+filePath + newName; //真正写到磁盘上 File file1 = new File(destPath); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file1); out.write(file.getBytes()); res.put("url", destPath); result.put("url", filePath+ newName); out.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } /** * /api/xcx/bisai/deleteimage?path=14324234 */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/api/xcx/bisai/deleteimage") public JSONObject deleteimage(@RequestParam(value = "path", required = false) String path,HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); String webPath=request.getServletContext().getRealPath(""); FileUtil.deleteFile(webPath+path); result.put("path", path); result.put("success", true); result.put("msg", "删除成功"); return result; }
//判断图片是否上传 if(this.data.upload_image_array.length>0){ wx.showToast({ title: "图片已上传", icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) return; }
//判断图片是否上传 if(this.data.upload_image_array.length==0){ wx.showToast({ title: "请上传封面", icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) return; }